End Self Sabotage and Have the Confidence to Live your Purpose

Are you ready to end self sabotage once and for all?

If you’re like most women, you’ve sabotaged yourself a thousand times, both personally and professionally. Oh, you don’t do it on purpose – usually.

But you settle when you should stand up for what you want. You let others take the credit for your work. You look toward outward change – a smaller dress size, that next big achievement, the infamous corner office or 7-figure business – to bring you fulfillment. But you still end up feeling like a fraud.

And it’s getting old.
self worth solution improve your self-esteem
That’s why I wrote my book, The Self-Worth Solution for Smart Entrepreneurs: Know Your Self-Worth, Grow Your Net Worth. It details all the ways women typically sabotage themselves, and what to do about it – how to end self sabotage for good.

I recently had the immense pleasure of being interviewed about this book by Kim Eldredge – Story Pathfinder, New Frontier Publisher, and Best-Seller Launch Strategist at New Frontier Books.  We did a Facebook live stream as part of the best-seller launch plan that Kim designed for the book.

Kim is a writing genius and a marketing beast! She is my personal writing coach and a very dear friend. If you’re ready to write your best-selling book, Kim’s the woman I trust to help you.

You matter

I LOVE Kim’s message, which is built on the premise that YOUR message matters. You matter.

That’s exactly what I’ve said for years! YOU matter. Your story matters. And it can help other women. That’s why I wrote three blog posts this year about telling your story. (Read them here, here, and here.)

And the world needs you to be YOU, not some cookie-cutter version of you that you were TAUGHT to be. Not some dimmed-down version of you that you THINK you should be. But the fully-authentic, amazing version of you that you were CREATED to be – a unique and powerful masterpiece.

Kim’s mission and mine go hand in hand. I teach you how to heal your past so your story no longer has control over you. Kim teaches you how to get your story out to the world so it can help others. I heal you, the driver. Kim creates the vehicle for your message to be heard.

But to get your message out there – and to have the impact you were created to have – you’ve got to put an end to self sabotage.

The Interview

As I mentioned, part of the best-seller launch plan that Kim developed included a live stream interview about the book. In the interview, I dive deep into teachings from the book (and beyond!), including:

end self sabotage
  • how women sabotage themselves when they don’t feel good enough – and how to end self sabotage for good
  • how to discover the REAL YOU – and how to BE YOU in your life and business. (Everyone these days says, “Be you!” But how can you do that when you’ve lost sight of who YOU are? I show you how to rediscover who YOU truly are!)
  • how to balance going for your own dreams with the needs of your children and family – and why so many women get this wrong (and how it totally kills your cash!)
  • why you can’t just put an affirmation band-aid on a bleeding, broken soul and expect it to heal
  • how building a 7-figure business or reaching the top of your career ladder alone WON’T bring you fulfillment – because cash doesn’t give you confidence (but confidence DOES bring you cash!)
  • and more!

It wasn’t just an interview – it was a full-on masterclass on how to end self sabotage and find true success and fulfillment.

Well, I decided that this training was simply too good to NOT share, so here it is. It’s long but juicy. And worth every minute.

Watch my interview with Kim Eldredge, Best-Seller Launch Strategist at New Frontier Books:

How have you sabotaged yourself recently, and what did you do about it? Leave a comment below!

end self sabotage

Holly Doherty
Holly Doherty

Holly Doherty is an author, speaker, and self-worth coach who helps women love and trust themselves again so they can have more impact, peace, and fulfillment. And it all starts when you know your worth, radiate confidence, and embrace your most authentic, be*YOU*tiful YOU!