Body Positivity is a huge buzzword these days. And for good reason.

It seems like everywhere we turn, we’re barraged with messages that we’re not good enough. That our bodies are inadequate: too fat, too thin, too curvy, too masculine. Name the feature, and we’re shamed for it.

Plus, we constantly compare ourselves to others. Not to mention ridiculous social media trends like “thigh gap” and “ab crack” (yes, that’s a real thing!). Women face relentless pressure to conform to some crazy, sometimes dangerous standard.

We can’t catch a break.

And, over the last few weeks, I succumbed to the pressure as well. Yes, me. The Queen of Self-Acceptance. I felt fat. And I disliked myself for it.

ballroom dancing body positivity

I recently saw some pictures from my latest ballroom dance competition. And the first thought that popped into my mind (other than analyzing my dance posture) was how much heavier I am than I was six months ago.

Then, I recorded a video last night. But during playback, instead of reviewing my message, I thought about how fat and round my face looks.

And here’s the thing. I don’t judge other women for their weight. I really don’t. Ballroom dancers come in all shapes and sizes. That’s one thing I love about the sport. I never look a fellow dancer and think, “Wow, she’s really big.” But I’ve been saying it to myself.

Sometimes, we can be our own worse enemies, can’t we?

I don’t know about you, but I often judge myself more harshly than I judge others.

Please tell me you can relate…. 🙂

I always say that our bodies are an instrument, not an adornment. That we should focus on what our bodies can do, and not how they look.

Yet I fell into the body-shaming trap as much as anyone else.

A body positivity message for you

Then I came across a video from my dear friend and kindred spirit, professional photographer and body positivity advocate Karianne Munstedt. It’s titled, “You are Enough, Just as You Are.”

I’ve been saying that to women for years! But I stopped saying it to myself.

Have you?

Then let me say it to you again: You are enough, just as you are. And as Karianne states, “All bodies deserve to exist in photos.”

So let the message of her beautiful video wash over you. Soak it in. And let’s stop shaming ourselves. Let’s learn to be our own best friend instead of our own worst enemy. And let’s start loving ourselves. And our bodies, just as they are. Because you are enough!

Holly Doherty
Holly Doherty

Holly Doherty is an author, speaker, and self-worth coach who helps women love and trust themselves again so they can have more impact, peace, and fulfillment. And it all starts when you know your worth, radiate confidence, and embrace your most authentic, be*YOU*tiful YOU!