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You are worthy.

You are enough.

You are worthy by design.

Every bit of you – down to the atomic level – was created on purpose, with a purpose.

Yet, like far too many women, you hide your true self because, somewhere along the line, you learned that it wasn’t OK to be You.

Maybe you woke up one day, looked at yourself in the mirror, and realized that you have no idea who you are anymore.

You put other people’s needs ahead of your own for so long that you’ve lost yourself.

You’ve experienced Spiritual Identity Theft™.

My mission, and my gift, is to help you rediscover the heart and soul of who YOU are.

To dump the emotional baggage.

To make peace with your past.

To build your confidence and self esteem from the inside out.

And to discover, love, and live your authentic, Radiant Self™.

Because you are a masterpiece. And you are meant to let your brilliant light shine.


Your past shapes you. It doesn't define you.

You can turn the pain of your past into power and break its paralyzing hold on you. But most self esteem advice out there is vague, incomplete, or only marginally helpful. Learn how to stop the endless cycle of sabotage and self-doubt for good by doing the right things in the right order.

The courage to be YOU

How can you "be you" if you're not sure who "You" are anymore? Rediscover your authentic, Radiant Self™ and have the confidence to be You. Because true confidence comes from the inside out - from knowing and embracing who you are at your core.

Why the inner work matters

You have a message that can change lives. And let's be honest: you probably don't need yet another course about how to make money with that message. Because cash does not bring you confidence. But confidence does bring you cash. More than that, doing the inner work gives you the freedom to have the impact you know you're meant to have.

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Rediscover Your Radiance Today

You need a safe place. A place to heal. A place to be yourself.

You need a mentor. Someone who’s been in your shoes. Someone who understands.

You need the structure and support to guide you through this journey.

I’ve spent the better part of my life trying to restore my self worth and my basic identity following a lifetime of abusive relationships. It took years of research, intentional work, and even trial and error to weed through the marginally-helpful advice – and the outright garbage – to find the best techniques and strategies.

What’s more, I discovered the ninja secret to lasting results – you have to do the right things in the right order.

improve my self esteem free discovery callAnd I’ve distilled it down into a 5-step system that really works – no fluff, and no B.S. Just a solid, practical process to heal your heart and rediscover your authentic, Radiant Self™.

So what are you waiting for?

If you’re ready to do the inner work that necessary to fully, finally heal the past, remove the mask, and make your mark in this world, then schedule a Rediscover Radiance Discovery call with me today. Let’s chat about how I can support you in your healing journey, so you can have the impact you know you’re meant to have.

Go ahead. You’re worth it.

What Women Say

  • I wish I met you ten years ago!

    Toni N, Hawaii
      Toni N, Hawaii
  • I am empowered by you, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

    Angel T., Phoenix
      Angel T., Phoenix