Ignite Your Journey
5 Minute Gratitude Journal

Just $9!

Are you ready to step into your power,
affirm your worth, and create the life you desire?

Then say hello to the Ignite Your Journey
5 Minute Gratitude Journal, specifically designed
to fuel your journey of self-discovery,
confidence, and purposeful living.

ignite your journey gratitude journal

Fuel your dreams with gratitude.

Gratitude is more than a mindset or emotion. It’s a powerful catalyst for transformation. Because gratitude is the starting point, not the destination. The innovative 5-step process in this daily gratitude journal harnesses that power to fuel your dreams and create the life you desire – all in just a few minutes a day.

Unleash your inner fire.

Inside these pages lies the key to unlocking your potential and igniting your inner fire. This journal isn't just about writing down what you're grateful for; it's a powerful tool to live more intentionally, honor your preferences, and be more passionate about the life you live every day. As you cultivate a mindset of appreciation and get clear on what you desire, you'll attract opportunities, abundance, and joy into your life.

Design your dream life.

Your dreams are within reach, and the Ignite Your Journey 5 Minute Gratitude Journal is your blueprint for bringing them to life. By starting with gratitude, you open yourself up to bigger vision and more possibility. Whether your desires are big or small, every inspired action you take toward your dreams brings you closer to the life you've always imagined.

Live with passion and purpose.

Life is too precious to be lived on autopilot. The Ignite Your Journey 5 Minute Gratitude Journal empowers you to live with intention, purpose, and passion every single day. From setting intentions to reflecting on your wins, each page is a reminder that you have the power to create a life that sets your soul on fire. Say yes to new adventures, embrace your authenticity, and live each day with a sense of purpose that fuels your soul and inspires others.

Cultivate your confidence.

The Ignite Your Journey 5 Minute Gratitude Journal uses a powerful 5-step process that empowers you to recognize your worth, celebrate your victories, and embrace your unique journey with confidence. As you commit to the daily process, you'll witness a profound shift in how you see yourself and the world around you. Say goodbye to self-doubt and hello to the fearless woman within you who is ready to conquer her dreams.

Get your Ignite Your Journey
5 Minute Gratitude Journal today!

Start your day off right.

Add this powerful habit morning routine. Begin your day with gratitude so you're primed to find the good throughout your day. Set your intentions early so you recognize opportunities to fulfill your dreams, live with intention, and pursue your purpose.

Anchor your desires in gratitude.

It's okay to want more for your life. Gratitude doesn't mean you're complacent. It means you notice the good and welcome more. Gratitude is the starting point, not the destination. By anchoring your goals and dreams in gratitude, you'll see how far you've come, celebrate your victories along the way, and propel yourself forward.

What, exactly, is the Ignite Your Journey 5 Minute Gratitude Journal?

It's a downloadable, printable 60-day journal that walks you through a 5-step process for creating a more fulfilled life. Simple enough to do while you're drinking your morning coffee. Powerful enough to transform your life.

Buy once, use forever.

The digital format means you never have to buy another gratitude journal, ever again.

The digital file contains 60 undated pages. At the end of sixty days, just print another copy! Undated format means you can start anytime. Miss a day? no big deal, no guilt of "wasted" pages.

ignite your journey gratitude journal

Just $9!

Hi, I'm Holly Doherty

As a trauma-informed self-worth coach, I help women love and trust themselves again so they can know their worth, radiate confidence, and have more impact, peace, and fulfillment.

I know what it's like to lose yourself to the expectations of others and what it takes to find yourself again. (Hint: gratitude is a big part of that!) I bring a message of hope that empowers women to stop chasing achievement for their confidence and outward validation for their worth.

Because you've got be dreams and a big purpose to fulfill. And it all starts when you embrace your most authentic, be*YOU*tiful YOU!